Speaking Is Silver 2019

Hanasaari, Espoo

1.2.2019 10:30 - 16:30

Speaking Is Silver – Hanaholmen International Freedom of Expression Day

Truth Decay – The Diminishing Role of Facts and Analysis in Public Life


Sweden and Finland as partners
Gunvor Kronman, CEO, Hanaholmen – the Finnish-Swedish Cultural Centre

Truth Decay: The Diminishing Role of Facts and Analysis in Public Life
Michael D. Rich, President, CEO, RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, California, U.S.A.

Current trends in the Nordic
Martti Koskenniemi, Professor of International Law, University of Helsinki
Heidi Avellan, Political Editor-In-Chief, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, Malmö, Sweden


12.30 Lunch

Credibility online – what is new?
Hanna Nikkanen, Editor-In-Chief, Long Play digital publication, Finland

In my experience
Anu Koivunen, Media Researcher, Professor, University of Tampere, Finland
Oliver Nybergh, Director, Media and Partnerships, sellbranch.com, Sweden


14.45 Coffee break

Who takes the stand if scientists step down? Intellectuals in the Political Life
Per Svensson, Author, Journalist, Dagens Nyheter daily, Sweden
Pilvi Torsti, Member of Parliament, Historian, Finland
Mina Dennert, Journalist, founder of #jagärhär-group, Sweden

Our means and methods. Panel discussion.

Seminar moderator: Journalist, entrepreneur Paula Salovaara

TRUTH DECAY, a research report from RAND Corporation

Discussions in English


Hanaholmen TJNK
Ruotsalais-suomalainen kulttuurikeskus Tiedonjulkistamisen neuvottelukunta
Kulturcentrum för Sverige och Finland Delegationen för informationsspridning
The Swedish-Finnish Cultural Centre The Committee for Public Information

Please register no later than January 21st, 2019.
Registration through the link below.

Participation is free of charge, lunch included.
A cancellation fee of 25 € will be charged of cancellations made after 30th January and all no shows.

For more information: Project Manager Henrik Huldén, +358 (0)400 26 56 56, henrik.hulden(at)hanaholmen.fi