Diana Agunbiade-Kolawole: Morning After Breakfast

Hanaholmen, Espoo

5.4 - 19.5.2019

The Gallery is open every day from 10 am to 8 pm, free entry.

Please note: The Gallery is closed from 19 to 24 april. On Thursday 18 April we close already at 4 pm. We open our doors again on Thursday 25 April at 10 am.

The exhibition of the artist Diana Agunbiade-Kolawole gravitates around her relationships with her ex-partners. The installation presents a series of moments from the first breakfast each individual had made for her. These moments represent an autobiographic account of the artist’s adult life using these relationships as milestones.

Diana Agunbiade-Kolawole is a Stockholm and London based artist originally from Nigeria. She considers artistic practice as a medium of investigation and research, and she is fascinated by how meaning and significance can be drawn from the seemingly smallest details of everyday existence.

The exhibition is arranged in collaboration with Globe Art Point.

More information: Programme coordinator Aino Kostiainen, aino.kostiainen(at)hanaholmen.fi

Picture: Diana Agunbiade-Kolawole: Morning After Breakfast