Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) conference

Hanaholmen, Espoo

7.10.2019 10:00 - 16:30

The conference is organized collaboratively by The National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), The Central union for Child Welfare, and Hanaholmen.

Experiences in childhood, both benign and adverse, have a strong influence on the child´s future: both on life-long health and wellbeing and on becoming the victim or the perpetrator of violence. Thus, childhood experiences are important both from a public health and a wider societal perspective. Our understanding of these effects has been strengthened by the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) research.

Our understanding of these effects has been strengthened by the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) research. In the first Finnish ACE-conference we can hear top international lecturers on the concept and effects of ACE´s, as well as the possibilities for prevention and treatment. The conference will feature Karen Hughes from Wales, Anna Luise Kirkengen from Norway, Steven Lucas and Moa Mannheimer from Sweden as well as Hanna Heinonen and Jukka Mäkelä from Finland. All presentations will be interpreted to and from English, Swedish, and Finnish.

Participation fee: 50 € (incl. lunch and afternoon coffee)


10:00 Opening words
CEO at Hanaholmen Gunvor Kronman
Ombudsman for Children Elina Pekkarinen

10:30 Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) – the costs of doing nothing and opportunities for intervention
Professor Karen Hughes, Public Health Wales och Bangor University, Wales

11:15 Discussion

11:30 How do we learn to recognize children living in ACE-condition like abuse and neglect
Associate professor Steven Lucas, Uppsala University

12:15 Discussion

12:30 Lunch

13:30 Why and how can abused children become sick adults?
Professor Anna Luise Kirkengen, MD, PhD, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

14:15 How to support and help children and young people who live in Adverse Experience- situations
Moa Mannheimer, The National Board of Health and Welfare, Sweden

14:45 Coffee in the restaurant, with group reflection in tables.

15:30 ACE: How to understand, how to prevent, how to move forward
Jukka Mäkelä, The National Institute for Health and Welfare, THL

16:15 Closing words
CEO Hanna Heinonen, Central Union for Child Welfare

More information:
Head of Unit
Helena Ewalds
tel. +358 29 524 7410, helena.ewalds(at)