Setting the Agenda for Nordic CityMaking

Streamed live from Hanaholmen, Espoo

15.9.2020 13:00 - 16:30

Nordic CityMaking is a forum and a movement based in the Nordics connecting citymakers across countries, cities and communities.

During 15-19 September NCM Week 2020 will host seminars, round table talks as well as numerous site visits. As a conference without walls the event will spread to different neighbourhoods of Helsinki, Vantaa and Espoo and connect the topics to real life developments. Everyone is invited to participate in creating the manifesto for the future of our Nordic cities.

Tuesday 15 September 2020 at 13:00-16:30 online, streamed live from Hanaholmen

In the afternoon we are ‘Setting the Agenda for Nordic CityMaking’ and for our week. We look for what could be described as the ‘Nordic’ in our cities, the values we share and the challenges we face. What is the role of the public administrations? What can companies and other private stakeholders bring to the table? How do we involve citizens?

The discussion is streamed live from Hanaholmen and will connect to several local and international experts. Among the guest speakers are

  • Charles Landry / Creative Bureaucracy Initiative (UK/GER)
  • Charlot Schans & Hans Karssenberg / STIPO (NL)
  • Laura Sobral (BRA/POR)
  • Manu Claeys / StRaten-generaal (BE)
  • City Council Member Fredrik Lindstål / City of Stockholm (SWE)
  • Elise Perrault / Placemaking Europe (SWE)
  • Marco Steinberg / Snowcone & Haystack (FI)
  • Tarja Laine / City of Vantaa (FI)
  • Eelis Rytkönen / NCC (FI)

More speakers and details of the program TBA.

Language: English

More information can be found here: Nordic CityMaking Week