Annual Hanaholmen Lecture 2021

Hanasaari, Espoo or online

3.12.2021 09:30 - 12:00

Welcome to a seminar!

Which connections can be seen between the institutional autonomy of universities and territorial autonomy?

Perspectives on autonomy: territorial sovereignty; academic freedom of teaching and research and the institutional autonomy of universities.

The seminar is arranged by HanaAcademy, which works for co-operation between Sweden and Finland in higher education and research policy. The presentations in this seminar are given in Swedish and English. Questions and comments can be addressed also in Finnish.

8.45–9.15 AM Coffee  

9.15 AM Welcoming Words:

vice-rector, prof. Heidi Hansson, Umeå University yliopisto, chair of HanaAcademy;

CEO Gunvor Kronman, Hanaholmen;

Project manager Janne Wikström, HanaAcademy

9.30 AM Prof. Li Bennich-Björkman, Uppsala University

A politological perspective on eventual analogies between regional (territorial or cultural) autonomy and the institutional autonomy of universities.

10.00 AM Director Sia Spiliopoulou Åkermark, The Ålands Islands Peace Institute  

– The regional sovereignty of the Åland Islands as a project of autonomy

10.30–10.45 AM Break

10.45 AM University Lecturer Janne Holmén, Uppsala University   

The importance of education for an autonomous region

11.15 AM D. Soc. Sc. Arto Aniluoto, Helsinki University  

Perspective on the autonomy of Nordic Universities based on his doctoral thesis ”At Once so Uniform and so Diverse. A Comparative Study of the Organisational Structures of Well-Established European Universities from 1962 to 2013”.

11.45 – 12.30 Panel Discussion and Closing of Seminar 

The above-mentioned lecturers participate in a panel discussing autonomy and answering questions and comments from the public.

The seminar is open for the general public and especially aimed at scholars and others interested in education, research and social policy in Finland and Sweden.

Information: Janne Wikström, tel: +358445637071, e-mail: