Ethnic Profiling in Finland and Europe

Hanaholmen, Espoo

5.4.2018 09:30 - 16:30

This conference is organised in co-operation with Hanaholmen.

The project The Stopped – Spaces, Meanings and Practices of Ethnic Profiling organises a conference on ethnic profiling, where Finnish and European researchers engage in discussions about the phenomenon of ethnic profiling based on studies and experiences from several European countries.

The Stopped – Spaces, Meanings and Practices of Ethnic Profiling is a research and journalism project that examines ethnic profiling in Finland with a focus on its prevalence, forms and interpretations of people experiencing profiling and the police. This three-year project is funded by the Kone Foundation (2015–18). It is situated at the University of Helsinki and led by professor Suvi Keskinen. The project team will introduce results from this research during the conference.

The international academic keynote speakers of the conference are Professor Ben Bowling from Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College, UK, and researcher Leandro Schclarek Mulinari from the Department of Criminology, University of Stockholm, Sweden. Three specialists in combating ethnic profiling will speak at the conference. Rosalind Williams fought a battle in court for over a decade and got the UN Human Rights Committee to concede that ethnic profiling is discriminatory. Nick Glynn of the Open Society Foundation worked 30 years in the UK police force, Ramon Arnhem represents the Dutch police. A panel will discuss the situation of ethnic profiling in Finland, with participants from authorities and activists.


The programme of the conference can be found here:

Soon you will be also able to get to know our international speakers here:

Media contacts: aino.sutinen(at)
Information about conference: jana.turk(at) tai 
Hanaholmen: jonna.simila(at)

Register to the conference through the link below.
Please register at the latest on Wednesday March 28th.