Hanating 2023

Hanaholmen, Espoo

21.11.2023 10:00 - 14:00

By invitation only.

How should we deal with the Russian threat?

The European security order built after the end of the Cold War has been replaced by an era characterized by conflict, uncertainty and instability, and is expected to prevail for a potentially long time.

With its actions, Russia has demolished the entire prevailing security order’s respect for sovereignty, borders and the right of states to make their own security policy choices. According to a united Europe, Russia is the biggest threat to European security since the Second World War and has thus caused a security policy paradigm shift in our countries. Finland’s and Sweden’s membership in the NATO defense alliance will change security in our part of Europe, as well.

What should the new European security order look like, and how should we deal with the Russian threat?


Moderator Stefan Wallin, senior advisor, former Minister of Defence

10:00 Welcome
Gunvor Kronman, CEO, Hanaholmen

10:10 Ministers of Defence
Antti Häkkänen, Minister of Defence, Finland
Pål Jonson, Minister of Defence, Sweden

10:40 Keynote
Judith Gough, British Ambassador to Sweden, former ambassador to Ukraine and Georgia

10:55 How cunning is Russia? What can we expect from Russia and how should it be handled?
Teija Tiilikainen, Director, European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats
Martin Kragh, Deputy Centre Director, Stockholm Centre for Eastern European Studies

11:15 Discussion

11:30 Lunch sandwich

12:00 Researcher dialogue. What will the new European security order look like?
Jakob Hallgren, Director, The Swedish Institute of International Affairs
Eva Hagström Frisell, Deputy Research Director, Swedish Defence Research Agency
Kristi Raik, Deputy Director and Head of Foreign Policy Programme, International Centre for Defence and Security
Jyri Lavikainen, Research Fellow, The Finnish Institute of International Affairs

13:00 How should defence cooperation respond to the cha1llenges of the European security order?
Jukka Kopra (National Coalition Party), Chair of the Defence Committee, Finnish Parliament
Mikko Savola (Centre Party), Vice-Chair of the Defence Committee, Finnish Parliament
Peter Hultqvist (Social Democratic Party) Chair of the Committee on Defence, Swedish Parliament
Lars Wistedt (Sweden Democrats) Member of the Committee on Defence, Swedish Parliament

14:00 Closing

Languages: Swedish, Finnish, and English with simultaneous interpretation.

Participation is by invitation only. Do you find the programme relevant from the point of view of your profession? To find out more about participation, please contact tina.raiha(at)hanaholmen.fi.

Additional information: Tina Räihä, Project Manager, tina.raiha(at)hanaholmen.fi