Mötesplats Samhällssäkerhet

Kistamässan, Stockholm, Sweden

19 - 20.3.2024

The Nordic region’s largest meeting place for everyone who works with security and total defence.

Mötesplats Samhällssäkerhet was initiated in 2015 and is a meeting place for everyone who works with security and total defence. The meeting place offers two full days of skills development at Kistamässan in Stockholm through a seminar programme, a fair and through networking with industry professionals.

This year Hanaholmen is a partner to Mötesplats Samhällssäkerhet. We support the organizer in the development of the seminar programme and by conducting discussions at our exhibition stand with people who are active in crisis preparedness and total defence in Sweden and Finland.

Since 2021, Hanaholmen has run the civil crisis preparedness programme the Hanaholmen Initiative to strengthen and develop civil crisis preparedness in Finland and Sweden. The programme focuses on three specific parts;

  1. Increase knowledge of the countries’ crisis preparedness systems, procedures and current issues.
  2. Improve personal contacts across sectors and borders.
  3. Identify opportunities for strengthened cooperation and coordination in the face of future crises.

During Mötesplats Samhällssäkerhet, we will highlight how cooperation creates added value for two countries. You are warmly welcome to visit us at exhibitor stand F:21. It is free of charge to visit the fair. To participate in the seminar programme, you need to buy a ticket. Sign up via the button below.

Read more on Mötesplats Samhällssäkerhet website here

For more information, contact johanna.hannus(at)hanaholmen.fi