Quality in Higher Education Perspectives from Finland and Sweden

Hanaholmen, Espoo + online

14.12.2023 09:00 - 17:00

Welcome to an interesting full day seminar!

The Swedish National Union of Students (SFS), National Union of University Students In Finland (SYL), National Union of Students in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences (Samok) and Hanaholmen – Swedish-Finnish Cultural Centre are together arranging a full-day seminar on the 14th of December.

The day consists of panels and opportunities to discuss and exchange knowledge from the higher education sector in both countries on the many dimensions of quality: Funding models of education and research, internationalization and mobility, students’ prior knowledge and quality assurance on a European level.

The day is arranged with the aim to contribute to the cultural exchange between the national student movements and the sectors of higher education and research in Finland and Sweden.
Hanaholmen works to develop co-operation between the countries in all areas of society. The center is situated 7 kilometers from central Helsingfors/Helsinki with archipelago surroundings.

Event Details:
– Date: The 14th of December 2023
– Time: 09.00 – 19.00
– Location: Hanaholmen – Cultural center for Sweden and Finland and online
– Address: Hanaholmsstranden / Hanasaarenranta 5, FI-02100 Espoo
– Fee:  pre-paid €20 for lunch, €50 for dinner (choose meals during registration), free of charge without the meals

Registration: To confirm your attendance, please register latest on the 6th of December through the registration page.


08.00-09.00 Registration and breakfast for the participants staying at Hanaholmen

09.00 Welcome
Gunvor Kronman, CEO of Hanaholmen

09.15 The importance of international cooperation – Purpose and goals of the initiative by SFS, Samok and SYL

09.30 What is the price of a quality higher education? Funding models and incitements in Sweden and Finland
In both Finland and Sweden higher education is mainly funded by public means. The economic resources of higher education should therefore be used carefully, while simultaneously posing a sufficient framework for a qualitative education. How do the funding models affect the quality of higher education? Do the funding models of today promote a qualitative higher education ready for tomorrow? Together with experts, politicians and student representatives we will discuss and compare the funding models of higher education in Finland and Sweden in the light of these questions.

Panel discussion

10.30 Coffee break

11.00 Effects of research funding on quality, research based higher education
Higher education relies on and is distinguished by its close ties to research. Although the educational and research side of academia is thoroughly intertwined, the funding models for each can differ. How does this affect the relation between research and education? Is the quality of higher education affected by the funding models for research? What can we learn from the Swedish and Finnish models?

Panel discussion

12.00 Lunch at Hanaholmen restaurant PLATS (pre-paid)

13.00 Cross-border quality assurance – Emerging quality assurance in the European University Alliances
The European strategy for universities from 2022 points out the need for an increased transnational cooperation in quality assurance in the European University Alliances. What are the hindrances on a national level for the implementation of a European quality assurance system in the alliances? What mechanisms and core values can be learned from the Swedish and Finnish systems for quality assurance in higher education? And how can the student perspective on quality assurance be incorporated on the European level?

Panel discussion

13.45 Break

14.00 Educate for higher education – Students’ prior knowledge in Sweden and Finland
Students form and affect their education, not only through the channels of organized student influence but also through the prior knowledge each student brings to their university or college. Has the students’ prior knowledge changed over time, and if so, what challenge does this pose for the pedagogy of higher education? In which way is higher education formed by the educational path that preceded it?

Panel discussion

14.45 Coffee

15.15 Internationalization of education in a new landscape – What is the role of student mobility?
Higher education is international to its core and hence dependent on a continuous exchange of knowledge and mobility amongst students, teachers and academic staff. In parallel, there is a trend towards the emphasis of the national perspective on academia. Is internationalization of our academic institutions necessarily linked to quality? Has the value of internationalization been taken for granted, or does it need reformulation in a new time? These questions will be discussed with focus on the questions on mobility and quality.

Panel discussion

16.00 – 16.30 Mingle and closing remarks by SFS, SYL and Samok and Hanaholmen

Dinner at Hanaholmen restaurant PLATS (pre-paid)

Should you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at:
SYL: antti.regelin@syl.fi
SFS: amanda.beckman@sfs.se
Samok: adel.rizvi@samok.fi
Hanaholmen: janne.wikstrom@hanaholmen.fi

We look forward to your participation in this knowledge-sharing event that will contribute to the continuous development of higher education in Finland and Sweden.