The Soviet Years and the Independence of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine

Hanaholmen, Espoo

20.1.2023 14:00 - 15:00


Prof. Li Bennich-Björkman from the University of Uppsala published the book “Bakom och bortom järnridån: de sovjetiska åren och frigörelsen i Baltikum och Ukraina” in the fall of 2022. In this book she analyses the political history of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine in the 20th century and describes the development of these states in the 21st century. Her book is based on over 20 years of scholarly work including several research visits, meetings and interviews in these countries.

In Hanaholmen she discusses her book with assistant prof. Mart Kuldkepp from University College London  Their discussion is conducted in Swedish and interpreted into English.

Additional information: Project Manager Janne Wikström, janne.wikstrom(at)