The Swedish-Finnish Politician Dialogue: Baylan & Lintilä


12.1.2021 12:00 - 13:00

Welcome to the webinar!

January 12, from 12am to 1pm EET

The new President of the USA, Brexit, sustainable development, and competition in high technology – how are these rapid and revolutionary changes dealt with in Finnish and Swedish commercial and industrial life? Have the lessons learned from the financial crisis helped to stem the economic consequences of the corona crisis?

A discussion on current topics with Timo Korkeamäki, Dean of Aalto University School of Business, Ibrahim Baylan, Minister for Business, Industry and Innovation, Sweden, and Mika Lintilä, Minister of Economic Affairs, Finland.

Hanaholmen wants to intensify the political dialogue between Finland and Sweden by organizing open political dialogues between Finnish and Swedish decision-makers. We want to look to the future and work together to find solutions to complicated societal challenges.

Language: English

More information: Project Manager Tina Räihä, tina.raiha(at)

Photo Lintilä: Kimmo Brandt/Parliament of Finland. Photo Baylan: Kristian Pohl/Government Offices of Sweden. Photo Korkeamäki: Mikko Raskinen/Aalto University.

The event is free of charge, but you need to register in advance.
Please do so no later than 12.1.2021 at 9.30 (Finnish time), 8.30 (Swedish time).
Everyone registered will receive a participation link closer to the webinar.