UK, Sweden & Finland: Free Trading Partners



– Hanaholmen in conversation with Aalto University

Date: Thursday 25.3.2021
12.00 – 13.00 (Finland)
11.00 – 12.00 (Sweden)
10.00 – 11.00 (UK)

With trade policy increasingly at the forefront of foreign policy issues and the UK now operating an independent trade policy Hanaholmen are pleased to invite you to a discussion on how the UK, Finland and Sweden can utilise their like minded approach to advance free trade and open markets.

Working with the British Embassy in Helsinki, we will be joined by experts from industry, government and academia, to discuss how we can utilise the role of trade policy in digital, sustainability and development, at a time of significant challenges to the global economy and to the multilateral trading system.


Tom Dodd, Ambassador of UK in Helsinki
Markku Keinänen, Ambassador of Finland in London
Anders Ahnlid, Director General at National Board of Trade
Juha Erkkilä, VP – Group Sustainability, Excellence & Reliability at Outokumpu
Claire Gammage, Associate Professor in International Economic Law & School Education Director, University of Bristol Law School
Nicola Clase, Ambassador of Sweden in Helsinki

Timo Korkeamäki, Dean School Of Business at Aalto University

Language: English

The event is free of charge, but you need to register in advance.
Please do so no later than 24.3.2021.
Everyone registered will receive a participation link closer to the webinar.