Universities and nation-building in Finland, Sweden and Estonia

Hanaholmen, Espoo

23.11.2018 13:00 - 16:00

You are warmly welcome to a university historical seminar on importance of the universities of Tartu, Uppsala and Turku/Helsinki for the nation building in Sweden, Finland and Estonia.

These universities were founded between 1477 and 1640. Their impact on these three countries is enormous. Historians and other experts discuss this at Hanaholmen on Friday 23rd of November 2018 1-3 PM as a salute to 100 years of Estonian independence!

The speakers in the seminar are Dr Mart Kuldkepp from University College London and University of Tartu, professor Martin Hårdstedt from Umeå University, professor Laura Kolbe from University of Helsinki and doctoral student Pia Österman from University of Helsinki.

The seminar presentations are in English.

The seminar is free of charge but requires registration. You can register to the seminar via the link below. Please observe that the registration also includes an offer to enjoy the buffet lunch of Hanaholmen for a discounted price between 11.30 AM and 12.30 PM.   

More information: Project Manager Janne Wikström, janne.wikstrom(at)hanaholmen.fi