Hanaholmen Future Forum 2022

Hanasaari, Espoo

1.4.2022 11:00 - 17:30

Hanasaaressa järjestettävään elinkeinoelämän foorumiin on kutsuttu Ruotsin, Suomen ja Viron kiinnostavimpia bisneselämän huippuja, poliitikkoja ja tutkijoita.


Please register here for online participation


11.00 Registration and Coffee

11.15 Introduction by the Moderators
Kaius Niemi, Senior Editor-in-Chief at Helsingin Sanomat
Maria Rankka,Chair at Ethos and healthtech entrepreneur

11.25 Welcome
Gunvor Kronman, CEO at Hanaholmen


Session 1: The State of the Nordic Model in a Global Perspective

11.30 Keynote Speech: Is the Nordic Model Still Relevant in a Global Perspective?
Alexander Stubb, former Prime Minister of Finland, Director and Professor at the School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute

12.10 Keynote Dialogue: The Nordic Model and Sustainable International Business
Johan Torgeby, CEO at SEB
Susan Duinhoven, President and CEO at Sanoma
Christoph Vitzthum, CEO at Fazer

12.40 Networking Buffet and Coffee


 Session 2: The Nordic Model vs Innovation, Technological Development and Entrepreneurship

 13.40 Keynote Speaker: Regulation vs Innovation Viewpoint – Sari Baldauf, Chair at Nokia   

Panellist 2.1 – Timo Ahopelto, Founding Partner at Lifeline Ventures
Panellist 2.2 – Taavi Rõivas, Chair at Auve Tech and former Prime Minister of Estonia
Panellist 2.3 – Sara Mazur, Chair at WASP – Wallenberg Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Systems and Software Program

14.20 Networking Break with Coffee


Session 3: Nordic Values as a Basis for Cooperation

14.50  Keynote Speaker: Nordic Values as a Foundation for Partnerships – Martina Bonnier, Editor-in-Chief at Vogue Scandinavia


Panellist 3.1 – Elina Valtonen, Member of Parliament, Finland
Panellist 3.2 – Anna Romberg, Executive Vice President Legal, Compliance and Governance at Getinge and Co-founder, Nordic Business Ethics Initiative
Panellist 3.3 – Rachel Samrén, SVP, Chief External Affairs, Governance & Trust Officer at Telia Company

15.30 Conclusions
Carl Bildt, Former Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden

 15.40 Cocktail Reception

17.30 End of Event


Additional information: Project Manager Johanna Hannus, johanna.hannus@hanaholmen.fi