Nordic City Challenge 2018

Kööpenhamina, Tanska

7 - 10.10.2018

Nordic City Challenge brings together 20-25 talented students from the Nordic countries into an innovative and multidisciplinary three-day intensive 3 ECTS course around sustainable urban planning.

Are you interested in sustainability and urban planning? Would you like to participate in a case-competition in a multidisciplinary and international team, and gather academic course credits for your contribution? Then look no further: The Nordic City Challenge is arranged for the third time and now in Copenhagen, Denmark 7th-10th of October. This Nordic 3 ECTS course and competition gathers 20-25 students from the Nordic countries to share ideas and work together on a real-life planning case, taking on the challenge of developing sustainable cities. If you are a master-level student studying for example urban planning, architecture, landscape-architecture, geography, natural sciences or social sciences you are welcome to apply to the course! The application deadline is May 15th. All course expenses are covered (travels, meals, programme) and the course enables you to network with your fellow colleagues in the Nordic countries, as well as central stakeholders.

The course will be arranged every autumn during 2016-2018, each time in a different Nordic country. This year the competition is arranged in Copenhagen, Denmark. The themes of the Nordic City Challenge this year relate to urban learning environments, green spaces, health and well-being. The theme is a follow-up from the previous years; Nordic City Challenge 2016 in Gothenburg and 2017 in Helsinki as well as the Nordic case competition in sustainable urban development that we arranged in 2015 in Espoo, Finland.

More information in the course description here>>>

To ensure an equal participation from all the Nordic countries and different disciplines, we kindly ask you to make a preliminary sign-up for the course. Write a short motivation letter on why you would like to be chosen. Please remember to ensure with your professor/responsible teacher that you’ll get 3 ECTS at your home university prior to applying to the course. The form opens Monday March 12th and closes on May 15th.

Questions? Organizers and contact information:

Jonna Similä, Project leader, Nordic City Challenge, Hanasaari – the Swedish-Finnish Cultural Center, jonna.simila(at), +358 40 649 5454,
Janne Wikström, Project leader, HanaAcademy Hanasaari – the Swedish-Finnish Cultural Center, janne.wikstrom(at), +358 40 620 7626,
Salla Jokela, Postdoctoral researcher, Institute of Urban and Regional Studies, University of Helsinki, Urban Academy (Kaupunkiakatemia), salla.jokela(at),
Meeri Karvinen, researcher, coordinator, Nordic Sustainable Campus Network (NSCN), meeri.karvinen(at), +358 50 407 1884,
Katri-Liisa Pulkkinen, researcher, Aalto University, Department of Built Environment, School of Engineering, Aalto University, katri.pulkkinen(at),¨