Science Capital and the Equity Compass

Hanasaari, Espoo

12.1.2023 15:00 - 16:15

Seminaari Tieteellisestä pääomasta

Hanasaari järjestää professori Louise Archerin seminaarin osana Suomen suurinta tiedefestivaalia Tieteen päiviä. Englanninkielisessä seminaarissa saamme kuulla Archerin, joka on University College Londonin professori, luennon työstänsä käsitteiden ”science capital” ja ”equity compass” kanssa. Seminaari päättyy paneeliin, jossa Archer keskustelee suomalaisten ja ruotsalaisten tiedeviestinnän asiantuntijoiden kanssa.


Professor Louise Archer. Photo: University College London

3:00 – 3:30 PM, EET (1:00 – 1:30 PM, GMT)
Professor Louise Archer: “Science Capital and the Equity Compass” Prof. Arches gives a keynote on her conceptual work on science capital and the equity compass.

Louise Archer is Karl Mannheim Professor of Sociology of Education at the Institute of Education at the University College London. Prof. Arches gives a keynote on her conceptual work on science capital and the equity compass. Science capital can be defined as the sum of all the science-related knowledge, attitudes, experiences, and resources that an individual builds up through their life. This includes what science they know about, what they think about science, the people they know who understand science, and the day-to-day engagement they have with science. The Equity Compass is a framework that supports reflection on current practices and development of equitable practices. It comprises eight dimensions of equity, each designed to apply a different lens to improve equitable experiences.

3:30 – 4:15 PM, EET (1:30 – 2:45 PM, GMT)
Commentaries in a Panel with professor Archer:

Lisätietoja: Projektipäällikkö, Hanasaari, Janne Wikström, janne.wikstrom(at), +358 44 563 7071