Winter Afternoon

Hanaholmen, Esbo


Ett seminarium till inbjudna gäster.

The development of democracy in Finland and Sweden


13.30 Welcoming Words Jan-Erik Enestam, Chairman, the Swedish-Finnish Cultural Foundation
Moderator: professor Dan Brändström

Keynote: Polarization or Oversensitivity? Trends in Swedish and Finnish public life in the late 2010s
Professor Henrik Meinander, Helsinki University

Keynote: Democracy and education. School and political culture in Sweden and Finland 1945-2017
Associate professor Janne Holmén, Uppsala University


Concluding comments
Gunvor Kronman, CEO, Hanaholmen – the Swedish-Finnish Cultural Centre,
Director, the Swedish-Finnish Cultural Foundation

15.00 Reception

Tilläggsinformation: fonderna(at)