Opening the Nordic Art Sector

Hanaholmen, Esbo

16.5.2019 09:30 - 16:00

Seminariet riktar sig till alla dem som har ett intresse av att diskutera projekt som fokuserar på utlandsfödda konstnärer och kulturabetare i de nordiska länderna.

Öppna upp konstbranschen i Norden – utlandsfödda konstarbetare i konst-och kulturinstitutioner

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Hur öppnar konst-och kulturinstitutioner sina dörrar för människor med annan bakgrund, inte enbart i egenskap av publik, utan som aktiva deltagare/tillverkare?

I många nordiska länder pågår projekt med syfte att förbättra utlandsfödda konstnärers och kulturarbetares inkludering i samhällets konst- och kultursektor. Seminariedagen erbjuder deltagaren möjlighet att ta del av redan uppnådda resultat och bäst praxis samt att samlas kring nya idéer, som man kan anpassa i sitt eget arbete eller i sin organisation.

Evenemanget är ett samarbete mellan Globe Art Point, Hanaholmen, Cupore, Kultur för alla och Centret för konstfrämjande (Taike), och det understöds av Undervisnings- och kulturministeriet i Finland.

Seminariet är en del av #Stophatrednow-festivalens program 2019. Programmets språk är engelska.

PROGRAM (på engelska)

9:00 – Coffee and registration

9:30 – Welcome – Gunvor Kronman, CEO, Hanaholmen

9:35 – Artists’ talk and presentation of Globe Art Point
Daniel Malpica (writer, graphic designer, producer) and Sepideh Rahaa (visual artist, Researcher and DA candidate Aalto University)

I PART Finland, AVAUS/Opening project

09:50 – Martina Marti, Culture for All, Diversity Educator
Avaus project: What? Why?
Process and Results.

10:20 – Emmi Lahtinen, Project Researcher, Cupore Center for Cultural Policy Research
Cupore´s results & process in the Avaus project

10:45 – ”And now what?” Avaus’ project steering group talk
Pasi Saukkonen (researcher, political scientist, City of Helsinki Executive Office, Urban Research and Statistics Unit), Ceyda Berk-Söderblom (cultural manager, producer, curator, MiklagardArts), Maija Lummepuro (counsellor for Cultural Affairs, Ministry of Education and Culture)
Moderator: Marjo Mäenpää (director, Cupore Center for Cultural Policy Research)

11:05 – Open questions

11:30 – LUNCH

12:30 – Keynote: ARTS COUNCILS: “How could we include?” Simon Strömberg (project manager ‘Creative Places’, Arts Council Sweden)

II PART ”Opening” on a Nordic level

Projects tackling the situation of foreign-born artists and/or cultural diversity within the Nordic arts & culture institutions

12:45 – Konsten att delta programme
Ola Öhlin (Project Manager at Konsten att delta, Artists’ Association of Sweden) SE

13:15 – An inclusive cultural sector in the Nordics project
The Norwegian Ministry of Culture & Critical Friends
Thomas Prestø (Head of Critical Friends and Artistic Director) NO

13:35N.E.D.N.A.C. Nordic network
Sacra Rosello (IMMART – International Migration Meets the Arts) DK, Fairooz Tamimi (Intercultural consultant, The Icebreaker) SE

14:00 – Questions / Open discussion
Moderator: David Kozma (actor-director, European theatre collective)

14:30 – Workshops and coffee (1 h), please pre-register for one workshop

  1. Inclusion without exclusionSacra Rosello (DK) In this workshop, we shall share experiences and different approaches to inclusion and consider whether or not it is possible to have inclusion without exclusion. Participants will be asked to contribute to a conversation about how they use language to promote and avoid one or the other concept. Representative of IMMART – International Migration Meets the Arts, Sacra Rosello, will start the conversation by sharing the story of how the debate about inclusivity manifested itself in the naming of the initiative.
  2. Not without us – Thomas Talawa Prestø (NO) Diversity is only diversity if someone was missing. In this workshop, we talk about recruitment and inclusion with the aim of equity. Early involvement, low threshold and high quality as markers for success.
  3. Racialisation on stage – Julian Owusu (FI) The stage, be it a theatre stage or media platform, is reflective of societal norms. In addition to being reflective of reality, the stage also creates reality. It breeds new norms. It has the potential to normalize as well as question and dismantle existing norms. Existing norms create blind spots that enforce said norms on stage, which in turn enforces said norms in society. This workshop will explore some tools to shed light on blind spots around racialization on stage.
    “I have a theory. An audience doesn’t need to get wrapped up in blackness every time they see a black actor. And a movie doesn’t have to be about race just because there’s a black person in it.  – Jim Brown”
  4. The Museum of Movements (SE) In this workshop you can contribute and learn more about how the Museum of Movements (MoM) in Malmö, Sweden is planning to work together with civil society to broaden the concepts of migration and democracy, by developing new ways of collaboration in a space for story-telling, artistic expressions and knowledge production. MoM aims to accomplish this by creating a more democratic museum practice. Meet team members behind the development of The Museum of Movements. Presenting: Armando Perla and Roxana Ortiz

15:30 – Presentation “results/ideas” from workshops & Suggestions for next steps

15:50 – Final words: Kemê Pellicer (visual artist, poet, cultural agent)

16:00 – Visit to the gallery: Exhibition of the artist Diana Agunbiade-Kolawole
Drinks (wine and non-alcoholic drinks) in the Wine Bar, first floor
Informal mingle, time to get to know each other!

The seminar is part of the #STOPHATREDNOW festival, please read the ethical guidelines here>>>

Välkommen att lära, dela och knyta kontakter!

Seminariet är avgiftsfritt, men förutsätter en förhandsanmälan.
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