Educational days and courses

Learn more about the training days and courses offered at Hanaholmen. We provide professional development and training on a wide range of topics with a focus on education, cultural knowledge and language.

Further training courses for teachers

Hanaholmen offers competence-enhancing education for teachers at all school stages with a focus on education, cultural knowledge and language. The programmes range from shorter seminars to multi-day conferences and courses.

A large part of the education for Swedish teachers is arranged within the framework of the Svenska nu network, administered by Hanaholmen. In addition, regional organisers, language teachers’ associations and education producers participate throughout the country.

Photo: Lars Kastilan

Summer course in Finnish

Hanaholmen organises an intensive course each year in Finnish and Finnish culture. Teaching is offered at different levels, ranging from grammar exercises to reading and listening comprehension and verbal communication. The course includes language teaching, talks on Finnish culture and Finnish society, as well as various cultural visits to the capital region.

There is a course fee, but students and teachers can apply for a grant from the Swedish-Finnish Cultural Foundation for a subsidised rate.

Photo: Lars Kastilan

Courses for students

Hanaholmen organises courses for trainee journalists from Sweden and Finland. The aim is to stimulate further cooperation between the journalist training courses in both countries. The theme of the course varies from year to year.

In addition, Hanaholmen arranges an annual language and culture course for Danish students and teachers on the teacher training course at the University College of Northern Denmark. The course offers an insight into Finland’s history, society, language conditions and education systems. The programme includes study visits and cultural programmes.

Photo: Lars Kastilan

Additional information

Tiinaliisa Granholm

Project Manager (art and culture, courses)

+358 (0)45 120 7818