
On this page you can immerse yourself in the work of Hanaholmen and the Swedish-Finnish Cultural Foundation through reports, analyses and books. The bilateral barometer takes the pulse of Swedish-Finnish cooperation in several areas of society, while Hanaholmen's impact report analyzes Hanaholmen's work over the past year.

Tandem forest values

The forestry research program Tandem Forest Values was originally a gift to Finland to mark the country´s 100-year anniversary as an independent republic. It developed into a long standing project that raised SEK 94 million for joint Finnish-Swedish forestry research. In 2023 the foundation published a book on the project, which was written by Mats Wallenius and Chris Heister.

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Bilateral barometer

The bilateral barometer is the result of a collaboration between Hanaholmen and the Finnish-Swedish Cultural Foundation. The barometer contains statistics on the interaction between Sweden and Finland and the role of the two countries in the Nordic region, Europe and globally. An important element of the barometer is made up by the opinion surveys conducted in both Sweden and Finland, which gathered feedback on thoughts and opinions on various aspects of bilateral interaction and cooperation.

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impact report

The impact report offers interesting information about an organization that is run jointly by Finland and Sweden and which develops cooperation between the countries in all areas of society.

Hanaholmen combines private and public funding, and the surplus income from the conference hotel and restaurant activities is used to fund the different seminars, long-term projects and other bilateral activities.

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