Cooperation between Finland and Sweden

Hanaholmen promotes and develops cooperation between Sweden and Finland across all levels of society.

The Programme Department

Hanaholmen is a competence and resource centre for Swedish-Finnish cooperation. Here at Hanaholmen, our primary mission is to promote cooperation between Sweden and Finland across all levels of society, including politics, business, language, education, art and culture. We want to be an international example of how cooperation creates added value for two countries.

The activities are diverse and include courses, films, talks and seminars on current topics. Hanaholmen also runs long-term Finnish-Swedish cooperation projects and networks.

Hanaholmen brings together individuals and organisations, who in turn take concrete steps to further the Swedish-Finnish cooperation. With our work we want to increase knowledge of Finland in Sweden and of Sweden in Finland.

Most of our events take place at Hanaholmen just outside central Helsinki. In Sweden, we organise Finnish-Swedish seminars and programmes in connection with the Gothenburg Book Fair, Almedalen Week and Folk och Kultur.

You are welcome to take part in our programmes, and we'd welcome your own suggestions for cooperation!

The Programme Department in Numbers

2,3 m

Turnover in Euros



31 000

Audience Size



Annual programmes

Hanaholmen's annual programmes have established themselves as important meeting places and forums for important societal discussions

Photo: Jakke Nikkarinen


Future Forum is Hanaholmen’s annual business conference that discusses important business issues that affect companies in the Nordic and Baltic countries now and in the future

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Photo: Jakke Nikkarinen


Hanating is Hanaholmen's annual discussion forum for defence and security policy

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Photo: Karl Vilhjalmsson


Hanalys is a foreign policy debate forum that brings together political decision-makers with researchers, experts, business people, and analysts.

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Photo: Ella Turta

Gothenburg Book Fair

Hanaholmen participates in the book fair by arranging various discussions and seminars on current social and cultural issues.

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Photo: Karl Melander

Almedalen week

Hanaholmen and the Swedish-Finnish Cultural Foundation participate in the so-called political week in Almedalen in Visby on Gotland every year.

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Photo: Lars Kastilan

Educational days and courses

Hanaholmen offers competence-enhancing education for teachers at all school stages with a focus on education, cultural knowledge and language.

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