
Hanaholmen administers four Nordic foundations: the Swedish-Finnish Cultural Foundation, the Swedish-Norwegian Cultural Foundation, the Swedish-Norwegian Cultural Foundation and the Icelandic-Finnish Cultural Foundation.

In practice, this means preparing and coordinating the board meetings, managing the entire application process for all the funds´ grants and travel stipends, and coordinating the funds´ courses and programs.


The Swedish-Finnish Cultural Foundation

The Swedish-Finnish Cultural Foundation is the largest bilateral foundation in the Nordics. The foundation was founded in 1960 and has the ultimate responsibility for Hanaholmen’s operations. The Foundation dispenses project subsidies and travel grants and also initiates its own projects.

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The Finnish-Danish Cultural Foundation

The Finnish-Danish Cultural Foundation was founded in 1982. The aim of the Finnish-Danish Foundation is to promote relations and cultural exchange between Finland and Denmark and to increase the countries’ mutual awareness and knowledge.

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The Finnish-Norwegian Cultural Foundation

The aim of the Finnish-Norwegian Foundation is to promote relations and cultural exchange between Finland and Norway and to increase the countries’ mutual awareness and knowledge. The Foundation provides grants to support projects in different spheres of society and cultural life.

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The Icelandic-Finnish Cultural Foundation

The Icelandic-Finnish Cultural Foundation was founded in 1975 by the State of Finland, and its capital is EUR 1.3 million. Since 2008, the State of Iceland has contributed to the Foundation’s grants and scholarships.

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