The icelandic-finnish cultural foundation

The aim of the Icelandic-Finnish Cultural Foundation is to promote relations and cultural exchange between Finland and Iceland and to increase the countries’ mutual awareness and knowledge.


Grants are awarded, for instance, for co-operation in the fields of art and culture, scientific research (especially humanities and social sciences), study trips by student and pupil groups, and for learning more about either country’s cultural, social and economic conditions. In addition, the Foundation has projects of its own.

The Icelandic-Finnish Cultural Foundation was founded in 1975 by the State of Finland, and its capital is EUR 1.3 million (2022). Since 2008, the State of Iceland has contributed to the Foundation’s grants and scholarships.

Apply for a grant

The next application round for grants awarded by the Foundation is
1 February – 31 March 2025.

Applications must concern projects due to be realised during the period of June 2025 and June 2026. Decisions on the grants awarded will be made in May 2025. All applicants will receive a written confirmation about the grant decision during May-June 2025.

Applications are submitted to the secretariat by logging into the online application service of the Foundation and by completing the online application form. The Foundation does not accept applications by mail or e-mail.

awarded grants

The Board meeting of the Icelandic-Finnish Cultural Foundation was held on 6 June 2024. In the meeting, the Board decided on the grants to be awarded for the end of the year 2024 and for the beginning of the year 2025.
Grants awarded in 2024 (in Swedish).

The Board meeting of the Icelandic-Finnish Cultural Foundation was held on 31 May 2023. In the meeting, the Board decided on the grants to be awarded for the end of the year 2023 and for the beginning of the year 2024.
Grants awarded in 2023 (in Swedish).

Board of directors

The Board of the Foundation consists of four members (two from each country) and two deputy members. The Board is nominated by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture and the Icelandic Ministry of Education, Science and Culture.

The Foundation’s Board consists of Mayor Pekka Timonen, University Instructor Sari Päivärinne (2024-2026), Senior Adviser Áslaug Dóra Eyjólfsdóttir and Artist Magnús Logi Kristinsson (2023-2025) as members. Deputy members are Author, Pastor Tapio Koivukari and Consultant Baldur Þórir Guðmundsson.

CEO Gunvor Kronman is the Foundation’s Secretary General. The Foundation’s secretariat is located in the Hanaholmen Swedish-Finnish Cultural Centre.

Contact details

The Icelandic-Finnish Cultural Foundation
Hanaholmen – Swedish-Finnish Cultural Centre
Hanasaarenranta 5, 02100 Espoo

Tel. +358 (0)400 466 440

Gunvor Kronman

Chief Executive Officer

Satumari Hagelberg

Administrative Director

+358 (0)50 305 0854

Julia Sjöberg

Foundation Assistant

+358 (0)400 466 440