The city as a platform for sustainable growth and happiness

Hanasaari, Espoo

13.9.2018 14:30 - 20:00

Welcome to a seminar in co-operation with Hanaholmen – Swedish-Finnish Cultural Centre, The City of Espoo and Business Finland.

City as a Platform for Sustainable Growth and Happiness


14.30 Registration and coffee

15.00 Welcoming words and opening of the seminar, Gunvor Kronman CEO, Hanaholmen – the Swedish-Finnish Cultural Centre

15.05 International cooperation in urban planning, Hannele Pokka, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of the Environment

15.15 Sustainability and digitalization in Shanghai, Jin Yueming, Deputy Director-General, Municipal Commission Office of Public Sectors Reform, Shanghai

15.25 Sustainable urban development – reflections on future options in Sweden, China and elsewhere, Ulf Ranhagen, Senior Professor and Researcher KTH/Chalmers/Tongji, Chief Architect Sweco Architects

15.45 Helping cities grow sustainably, Hanna Uusitalo, Environmental Director, KONE

16.05 The role of cities in sustainable growth – case Espoo-Shanghai cooperation, Tuula Antola, Director of Economic and Urban Development, City of Espoo

16.15 Sustainability as a driver for businesses – opportunities in China for Finnish businesses, XU Junhua, Chairman of the Chinese Association of Science and Technology in Finland

16.25 CityTalk: Want to be happier, healthier and more productive? Go sustainable!

  • Tuula Antola, Director of Economic and Urban Development, City of Espoo
  • Ulf Ranhagen, Senior Professor and Researcher KTH/Chalmers/Tongji, Chief Architect Sweco Architects
  • Gunilla Bökmark, Director of International Relations, City of Gothenburg
  • Hanna Uusitalo, Environmental Director at KONE

17.00 Coffee break

Espoo-Shanghai 20 years Anniversary Ceremony


17.30 Opening words Jukka Mäkelä, Mayor, City of Espoo – 20 years of cooperation

Finland-China city cooperation, H.E. Chen Li, Ambassador, Embassy of People’s Republic of China to the Republic of Finland

Greetings from Shanghai-delegation, Jin Yueming, Deputy Director-General, Municipal Commission Office of Public Sectors Reform, Shanghai

Musical performance

Highlights of Gothenburg – Shanghai cooperation, Gunilla Bökmark, Director of International Relations, City of Gothenburg

Building bridges and learning together – highlights from Espoo-Shanghai collaboration in education, culture and sports, Kristiina Erkkilä, Director of Development, Education and Cultural Services:

  • Collaboration with sister schools in Shanghai – experiences of Kaitaa Upper Secondary School students
  • Aalto University’s activity in Shanghai, Ilkka Niemelä, President, Aalto University – Aalto University’s activity in Shanghai
  • The role of sister city cooperation for private sector actors in China – TBC

19.00 Networking dinner

20.00 End

Language: English and Mandarin (simultaneous interpretation available)
Moderator: Jaani Heinonen, Head of Business Finland, Shanghai
More information: Project Manager Erik Lund, erik.lund(at)