The Annual Hanaholmen Lecture 2018

Hanaholmen, Espoo

9.11.2018 13:00 - 16:00

The Annual Hanaholmen Lecture is a lecture given by a high-profile scholar in higher education studies.

We are introducing this concept in 2018 with the hope that it will shed light on current and future issues on higher education and research.  The lecture also includes a panel discussion on higher education and research policy in Sweden and Finland and in the rest of the Nordic-Baltic Region. In the panel experts discuss how the Nordic higher education institutions and scholars can improve their societal interaction and international contacts. A central question for the Hanaholmen lecture is in which way universities and their stakeholders want to develop the societal interaction of universities and their scholars. What is the content and what are the structures of societal interaction of the Nordic universities in 2030?

The Annual Hanaholmen Lecture 2018: will there be research in 2030 and what will it look like? 

An important discussion on the research conducted in the Nordic countries in 2030 – and what the societal impact of that research will be. Higher education and research should have societal relevance, but who defines that relevance and how?

Friday 9th of November at 1 PM to 3 PM at Hanaholmen – Cultural Centre for Sweden and Finland in Espoo close to the Aalto University, Hanasaarenranta 5, 02100 Espoo, Finland.

The event is followed by a cocktail party from 3 PM to 4 PM at Hanaholmen.

The key note is given by deputy vice-chancellor, professor Heidi Hansson from Umeå University and its Department of Language Studies: Heidi Hansson

After Professor Hansson’s speech a panel will discuss different Nordic perspectives on higher education: business, politics and civil society. Panel members alongside prof. Heidi Hansson are PhD, Research Director Tanja Suni from the Finnish Ministry of Environment and Director Cissi Askwall from VA – Public and Science in Sweden. The panel is moderated by docent Tuomas Heikkilä from University of Helsinki.

More information: Project Manager Janne Wikström, janne.wikstrom(at)