HAnalys 2020

Hanaholmen, Espoo


Invitation only

Finland, Sweden and Norway in the multilateral cooperation

How can we ensure the legitimacy of multilateral cooperation?
What are the European and global tendencies?

The international cooperation that we have previously taken for granted is currently under pressure. Common challenges are more and more infrequently solved through cooperation and compromise in the multilateral arena. As this is happening, the world is facing great challenges that no country alone can solve. Protectionism is spreading, and prevailing nationalism is undermining the work of the UN and other multilateral institutions. Finland, Sweden, and Norway are countries with a strong commitment to multilateral cooperation, a commitment which is well acknowledged internationally. When previously shared European values are being questioned, there is a need for a concentrated effort. How should we work together to promote international cooperation and to reform and strengthen the multilateral system to regain the status of the foremost arena so that we can solve common challenges?

The rule of law is one of the central democratic values upon which European cooperation is based. It has been a fundamental principle of the Council of Europe since its establishment and is equally a core obligation for all the Member States of the European Union. However, this issue now seems to divide Europe at a time when we should be more united than ever before. Finland, Sweden, and Norway are staunch promoters of the rule of law and developing the rule of law dialogue within the EU was one of the priorities of the Finnish presidency of the Union.

Finland, Sweden and Norway are strong promoters of the implementation of Agenda 2030. Social sustainability, health, and equality have long been part of our foreign policy agendas, and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) are self-evident parts of the global development policies of these countries. Resistance is increasing, and we see a global opposition against fertility treatments, free and secure abortions, and access to birth control. In our countries, there is a political consensus around these issues, but in many European countries, small groups struggle to maintain or reclaim the SRHR agenda. Together, Finland, Sweden, and Norway can lead a positive development both in Europe and globally through new partnerships.


8:30 Coffee

9:00 Moderators:
Ms. Katja Holböll, Sweden’s Youth Representative in the UN
Mr. Nicholas Kujala, President of the Nordic Youth Council

9:05 Opening remarks
Ms. Gunvor Kronman, CEO, Hanaholmen

9:10-9:50 Finland’s, Sweden’s and Norway’s view on the multilateral cooperation
Minister for Foreign Affairs Pekka Haavisto, Finland
Minister for Foreign Affairs Ann Linde, Sweden
Minister for Foreign Affairs Ine Eriksen Søreide, Norway

9:55-11:00 Part 1: The challenges of the rule of law
Ms. Michelle Bachelet, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

Ms. Elina Pirjatanniemi, Professor of Constitutional and International Law and Director of the Institute for Human Rights, Åbo Akademi University
Mr. Hans Ingvar Roth, Professor of Human Rights, Stockholm University
Ms. Heidi Hautala (Green League), Member of the European Parliament, Finland
Ms. Romina Pourmokhtari (Liberals), President of Liberal youth Sweden 

11:00-11:15 Break

11:15-12:25 Part 2: How to promote sexual and reproductive health and rights globally
Ms. Anne-Birgitte Albrectsen, CEO Plan International

Ms. Joanna Scheuring-Wielgus, Member of Parliament, Poland
Ms. Saara-Sofia Sirén (National Coalition Party), Member of the Parliament Finland
Ms. Elina Korhonen, Director of International Affairs, The Family Federation of Finland
Ms. Berit Austveg, MD and Chair of Sex og Politikk, Norway

12:25-12:45 Concluding dialogue with the Ministers for Foreign Affairs
Moderated by Ms. Gunvor Kronman

12:45-13:45 Lunch

Languages: English, Finnish and Swedish with interpretation
Contact: Project Manager Tina Räihä, tina.raiha(at)hanaholmen.fi