
Hanasaari - Hanasaarenranta 5, Espoo, Finland

6.9.2017 09:00 - 13:00

The Ministers for Foreign Affairs Mr Timo Soini and Ms Margot Wallström have the pleasure to invite You to the conference on Deepening foreign and security policy debate between Finland and Sweden.

As neighbouring states with shared values, culture as well as multilayered interdependency and deep mutual trust, political cooperation between Finland and Sweden has long historical traditions.  In recent years, this cooperation has gained new momentum and importance as international tension in their shared neighbourhood has grown.

Both Finland and Sweden have sought to increase security and stability in the region in a manifold manner. First, both Finland and Sweden have increased their input in national territorial defence. Second, they have actively supported the development of the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy as well as increased cooperation and coordination between the EU and NATO. They have signed bilateral defence cooperation agreements with the US. Third, Finland and Sweden have strengthened and developed the bilateral defence cooperation between the countries. Today, the defence cooperation between Finland and Sweden goes further and deeper than ever before.

Furthermore, Finland and Sweden are ready to develop wider foreign policy cooperation. In order to foster a deeper debate on foreign policy issues and potential for cooperation, the foreign ministers of Finland and Sweden are hosting the HANAlys Conference in cooperation with Hanaholmen in Helsinki 5-6 September 2017. This event brings together political decision-makers, opinion builders, representatives of business life as well as researchers and practitioners to discuss current international and European challenges, and Finland’s and Sweden’s potential role in solving them.

  • Moderator: Ms Kirsi Heikel  
  • Welcoming words by Gunvor Kronman, CEO of Hanaholmen
  • Opening remarks Minister for Foreign Affairs of Finland Mr Timo Soini

Transatlantic Relations: Shake or Shift?
Key note: John C. Kornblum, Ambassador, Senior Counselor

Finland and Sweden: Thinking Nordic, Acting Global
Key Note: Mr Jan Eliasson, former Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden and Deputy Secretary-General of the UN, Chair of SIPRI Governing Board

Panelists including: 

Marina Kaljurand, Chair of The Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace (GCSC), Estonian Cyber Security Expert at the UN Group of Governmental Experts on Cyber Security, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Estonia
Kenneth G. Forslund, Member of Parliament, Chair, Foreign Policy Committee, Sweden
Pavel Baev, Research professor, Peace Research Institute Oslo, Norway
Ilkka Kanerva, Member of Parliament, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Finland

The Future of the EU: From Confusion to Strength?
Key Note: Mr Franz Thönnes, Deputy Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs of the German Bundestag

Panelists including: 
Gunilla Herolf, member of the Royal Swedish Academy of War Sciences, Sweden
Stefan Wallin, Member of Parliament, former Minister of Defence, member of Foreign Affairs Committee, Finland
Karin Enström, Member of Parliament, member of Foreign Affairs Committee, Sweden
Charles P. Ries, ambassador, Vice President of Rand International

Concluding Remarks Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden Ms Margot Wallström 

Languages: English, Finnish and Swedish with interpretation

Please register to the conference no later than August 23 via the link below